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Jeremy Paden

is the author of three chapbooks of poems and one chapbook of translated poems. He has also translated two full-length collections of poems from Spanish to English: Carlos Aldazábal's A Stone to the Chest and Alí Calderón's The Correspondences. In 2020, he collaborated with the illustrator Anne Hermosilla and his co-translator Oswaldo Estrada to publish Under the Ocelot Sun/Bajo el sol del ocelote, a bilingual, illustrated poem about the Central American migrant caravans. His most current books are world as sacred burning heart (3: A Taos Press, 2021) and Self-Portrait as an Iguana (Valparaíso USA, 2021). Self-portrait is a bilingual collection of poems written in Spanish and translated to English, which co-won the first Poeta en Nueva York Prize, by Valparaíso USA Press.

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